8 Tips to Make Monday Your Favorite Day of the Week

8 Tips to Make Monday Your Favorite Day of the Week (1)

Let’s imagine Sunday afternoon when you are reading this blog! I am sorry to make you feel overwhelmed! And that’s exactly what happens almost every Sunday afternoon, you start losing the energy of the weekend and start sulking for the oh-so “burden-some Monday”.

Okay, let’s come back to this present moment. Because I will make you fall in love with Monday as soon as you reach the end of the blog. Well! You must be wondering why I am so confident about manifesting these tips to make Monday your favorite day of the week, into reality. Because I have been experiencing the same ever since I started applying.

Let’s Change Monday to a Semi-Weekend

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Wait! Don’t get me wrong. I am not suggesting to deny work & angry with your ‘bosses’. Instead, I am saying not to overdo it on Monday. Ok, so tell me, is it difficult to make up for a happy hour (with a friend you don’t work with) at the end of your shift? Going on a date (if you are single)? Planning a game night with your partner or maybe kids (if any)? Planning an evening show for a movie?

And honestly, I can’t think of any No for an answer. Also, these activities apply to everyone- whether you work from home, office, or are a homemaker.

Dress up in a Great Mood

Let me start with this question. Have you dressed up over a mood? We usually think of Monday as a fresh start to the week. And now it’s the right time to believe that bringing that freshness in what you wear also uplifts your mood. The day when I make certain accomplishments at work, I like to dress up like a pro and do my favorite things. So, it is all psychologically related.

Plan up Your Favorite Menu for the Day

I wonder who doesn’t like to have his favorite meal (when most stressed out or burned up). Favorite meal is a great way of breaking the monotony in mood. Indeed it’s a great source of uplifting your mood. By the time the clock is about to show 4 pm, I can feel the oxytocin releasing. Because every day I plan to treat myself to some new snack recipe in the evening. Why don’t you explore your new cravings?

Let’s Beat Monday by Planning Ahead

BAM. I have this ultimate trick to kill your ‘prospective Monday blues’. I am not asking you to deny the coming gush of workflow. Let it come, let it come. Now what you have to do is to assign priorities to every task in your checklist. I am hereby stating the categories you can put your tasks into:

  • Important & not urgent
  • Important & urgent
  • Not important & not urgent
  • Not important & urgent

This strategy will not only prevent ‘Monday blues’ but also increase your productivity at work.

Explore New Playlist 

Personally, my favorite is Spotify’s Search section. It has got playlist for almost every mood, it covers all probable genres. Needless to say, music has the power to heal mood swings, uplift your mood, channel your focus, and whatnot. Explore new playlists, and create your own maybe while listening to music. And I am not going to explain this section any further, because who is not familiar with the power of music?

Add a Picture to Your Workspace(Motivational/Loving)

I am sure you would agree that emotions can drive productivity when channeled properly. Adding a picture of your spouse, kid, or any motivational quote may carry a lot of potential to tune your mood positively. Let your eyes take off the laptop screen and take a glimpse of these pictures. Keep changing these pictures with new ones or something that you explore new and motivated to drive your day positively.

Hydrate….in Various Versions

Listen up! I am not going to sound boring at all. I am sure you would agree that water intake takes away a lot of your stress levels. But even I agree that drinking water and only water is not a practical solution to stay hydrated. I choose to add different flavors to my water sipper. Some days it is lemon, some days it is cucumber, mint, etc. This not only fulfills the purpose of hydration but also detoxifies your body.

Special Tip for Managers & Owners

Though I am no manager or any owner, still I got you folks. Therefore, I know what sort of Monday pressure you need to bear. There is a pressure to extract productivity from your team/organization and track if every employee is justifying their time at work and I know there is more to it. So, today let’s put an end to this entire hassle.

DeskTrack has got all your problems covered under one roof of software. Do you want me to list down what all this genie can do for you? Here is the list then:

  • Employee time tracking
  • Productivity monitoring
  • Project time tracking
  • Work-from-home monitoring

The list is big. The Desktrack gives you activity insights, punctuality, attendance, internet usage, real-time screen view, project management, work time engagement analysis, location-wise reports( for field employees), employee competitive analysis, and all the parameters that become a hindrance in doing other important stuff than employee monitoring.

Wrapping Up!

Not wrapping up. I think there can be no limits to new and better ideas. Though my personal experiences are going to help you, I am even more sure that you too would come up with some more new ideas, so I am waiting to know them all. You are most welcome in the comment section.