Would you like to contribute to BusinessLoad? We’d love to have you. We do our best to publish a wide variety of thoughts on the best news and topics in the small business and freelancer world.
Guest Post Guidelines
- Posts should be 500-1,000 words of original, unique (never before published) content
- All posts should be non-promotional and contain only relevant links; a link to your own business or site can be included in the bio.
- The topics should be relevant to small business, freelancing, and entrepreneurship.
- Authors must provide the following:
- Your email address (will not be made public)
- A short bio of 50 words or less (may include a link to the company website)
- A headshot
- Optional links to your social media profiles (two maximum) that will be included in the author profile
- Posts should not be submitted with images unless they are part of the content (screenshots).
- Please submit your posts as a Word document, a Google document or pasted in the body of the email message. We do not accept PDF submissions.
- By submitting to BusinessLoad, you allow us to make any light editing as necessary to uphold editorial standards, as well as add relevant internal links.
- No promotional links are allowed within the article. If you want to include promotional links please have a look at our Advertise page.
- Guest posts have a queue of at least 4-6 weeks at the moment. Please don’t follow up with us earlier. For faster publishing please have a look at our Advertise page.
Before submitting, please review our current content. If we have already covered your topic, please consider an alternative perspective or angle or focus on a different topic.
Please email all submissions to guest-post@businessload.com. Please allow at least 3 weeks for us to consider your submission. If you have not heard back from us within three weeks, please send a reminder email. We’re looking forward to reviewing your work and hope to hear from you soon!