It’s not a secret that lots of college student find it excruciatingly difficult to get down to writing their essays. It’s not just procrastination and reluctance to research boring topics that prevent learners from doing their homework.
Many students simply cannot spare enough time to devote to writing urgent assignments. Their mornings and days are packed with lectures, workshops, seminars, chores, and part-time jobs, while their nights are usually devoted to writing essays. No wonder, so many students are hard-pressed to collect their thoughts together and dive into the writing process effortlessly.
Some even prefer to pay for essays and rely on a professional service that can quickly cope with an essay or any other type of academic assignment. You can also avail yourself of the “pay to write essay” option and get top-level experts from the PapersOwl academic writing company create the best paper for you in no time. That being said, you want to keep note of some easy tips that can help you pull together an effective and strong essay. You can find them below.
Writing an Effective Intro
Lots of students don’t pay close attention to their introduction. They quickly present their topic and thesis statement without even trying to engage their audience. Not to make the same mistake, think of how you will catch your reader’s attention from the very first sentence of your essay. Tell a brief humorous or emotional story, share an interesting fact or inspiring quote, ask an open question that will spark a discussion and make your reader think. Whatever you choose for your hook, make sure it is strong enough that you will be able to reel in your audience with the rest of the paper.
Once you grab your reader’s attention, provide general background information about your topic. This will help you “fill-in” your audience. Also, don’t forget to include the main supporting details about the topic. Finally, conclude your intro with an arguable, strong, and succinct thesis statement. As you see, you need to start general and get more specific as you progress towards your thesis.
Choosing the Right Type of Body Paragraph
Body paragraphs are the core of you essay, which gives your readers the bulk of your information. There are four types of body paragraphs you may want to use in your paper. Opt for a narrative paragraph if you intend to tell the story.
Moreover, this paragraph type answers the Five Ws, e.i., who, what, where, when, and why. An expository paragraph, in its turn, provides information, presents facts, gives directions, and even defines terms.
A descriptive paragraph can be used if you want to present a single clear picture of an object or a time and give the specific sensory details like sights, sounds, and smells. Finally, you can use the persuasive paragraphs in your writing. They help you express a certain opinion and convince your readers through the use of logic that this opinion is valid.
Crafting an Strong Body Paragraph

No matter the type of essay paragraph, make sure each of your paragraphs involves the topic sentence, a body, and a closing. The topic sentence should tell your reader about what is going to be discussed in a particular paragraph.
The body is where you should give all your information and include the details and support for your topic. Therefore, it can be metaphorically compared with the meat of your paragraph. Once you’re done writing the body, proceed to wrap it all up with a nice closing sentence.
There is a couple of ways you can do it. You can remind your reader of the topic in some creative way. You can summarize the paragraph or use a transition and link to the next paragraph. The choice is up to you as long as you bring your paragraph to a logical close.
Writing a Successful Conclusion
So, there are three steps to write an awesome concluding paragraph. The first is to always make sure that you restate your thesis. Remind the audience we you actually decided to embark on your writing quest.
Reiterate the main arguments and remind your readers why you think your topic is important. That being said, you want to make sure you’re not too repetitive. So, take care to reword your thesis and say it in a different way than you did in your intro. Next, you want to summarize your main points and draw to a close. Condense the arguments and restate them.
Remember that your conclusion is your last chance to impress your reader, so make it effective and to-the-point.