Green Generation’s Office: Millennial Health Awareness and Workspace Productivity

Millennials put a lot of emphasis on the importance of going green in different spheres of their lives, including their office spaces. Therefore, we’ve decided to discuss how such offices influence employees’ productivity and provide you with some useful advice on how to organize your own working environment. Let’s take a look.

Wasting energy is wasting your productivity

If you’re wearing T-shirts at your workplace during winter, this can only mean one thing – the temperature in your office is too high. Not only is this a total waste of energy, but such conditions have a negative influence on your productivity as well. It has been shown that workers who are too hot are not able to work hard and concentrate for a longer period of time. However, this doesn’t mean that you should keep it too cold either – balance is always the best solution, both for the environment and for you. After all, keep in mind that an environmentally-friendly office is automatically an employee-friendly one.

Let the light in

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The Millennial generation is familiar with the benefits of daylight and nowadays more and more offices are being built with this in mind.

The Millennial generation is familiar with the benefits of daylight and nowadays more and more offices are being built with this in mind. So, instead of spending time in gloomy dark spaces, employees should be surrounded with huge windows which allow the natural light to come in. However, aside from improving their concentration, daylight has other benefits as well. For example, it has been shown that if you’re exposed to enough natural light during the day, you’ll fall asleep much easier, and not to mention that you’ll avoid eye strain. Finally, opting for such an office design will have a positive effect on the environment as well, since you’ll save significantly on electricity, which additionally means that your bills will be drastically reduced.

Make sure that the air is clean

Millennials who take care of their diet, workout plan, etc. are familiar with the importance of clean air as well. Therefore, you should follow in their footsteps and don’t allow yourself to work in a stuffy office where you can barely breathe. Instead, make sure to get well informed about air purifier ratings because they have become a true must-have nowadays, especially since we realised that indoor pollutants can lead to serious health issues like irritation, coughing, headaches and many others. On top of that, they are likely to have a negative effect on our productivity and reduce our decision-making abilities, too.

Decorate your office with some greenery

Do you remember how peaceful and relaxed you felt the last time you were walking through a beautiful garden full of colourful flowers? Well, why wouldn’t you bring some of that greenery into your office as well? Not only will it serve as great decor, but it will make your workplace much healthier and boost your productivity effectively. However, make sure to be practical and go for some low-maintenance plants since you don’t want to find them completely dried out after only a three-day-long absence from the office.

Millennial clients will respect your efforts

Finally, aside from being healthy and environmentally-friendly, the trend of going green is great for business itself. The Millennial generation puts a lot of faith into healthy living and preserving the nature, so they don’t want to collaborate with firms and companies which don’t share their views on this topic. Therefore, if you want to grow your market shares, it’s high time you went green and embraced an eco-friendly approach which will appeal to ecologically-conscious customers and clients. Finally, there is nothing more satisfying than knowing that you’re doing something good for nature and all the people who are buying your products.

As you can see, green office spaces are a true craze among the Millennials. However, no matter the generation you belong to, one thing is certain – taking care of the environment has become a central preoccupation of the 21st century. So, make sure to join the eco-friendly movement and help spread health awareness among everyone. Finally, keep in mind that turning your workspace green is just the beginning, but it’s enough to set the wheels of change in motion.