Monday, September 16, 2024

5 Common Security Mistakes Everyone Makes When First Getting Started

When you're running a website for your business, security and monitoring is critical. You can’t have uncertainties in regards to your website as it’s your source of income - you can’t risk it be...

7 Gadgets An Entrepreneur Needs In 2018

The entrepreneurs of today have to thrive in a market where the competition is intense. One has to constantly up their game, churn out new ideas and keep up with the latest trends in...

Data Security, Email Security, and Lessons Businesses Learnt from Elections

Hyperbole apart, recently held elections across the world have imparted critical lessons on data security. One important aspect that stands out is the significance of data in emails that threaten to mar political campaigns...

5 Best Ways of Applying AI in Mobile Apps

Artificial Intelligence (AI) witnessed a warm welcome in 2017 and earned a slot among the trendsetters. AI is predicted to culminate in a hallmark of tech development in the present year too. A study by...

3 Ways to Make More Effective Marketing Videos

Using videos as part of a marketing strategy has proven to be effective time and time again, and there is really no other type of media that comes close to it. That being said...

What is the Connection Between Cyber Security and Your Business?

In the modern digital age, every business operates online. Even with all the benefits that the online world offers, it's still a very risky and dangerous place for businesses. The main reason is security...

How Much Does It Really Cost To Build An App?

Seems like everyone has a mobile app no matter what size of business they are running. Since they are so popular, and becoming so necessary they must be inexpensive, right? Some apps are free...

Economic Transformation In The Age Of AI: How Much And When?

The advancements in Artificial Intelligence spurred heated arguments globally. It is clear from the trend, that the fourth industrial revolution will be the dawn of technology advancements and automation. Artificial Intelligence has already infiltrated...

5 Signs Your IT Environment has Become Outdated

In everyday business life, it’s easy to become comfortable with the technologies we use - to be reluctant to update to the new and shiny thing that promises to make everything better for you....

Artificial Intelligence and Education – What’s the Connection?

Whenever people talk about Artificial Intelligence, their first thought goes to SF movies and robots taking over the planet, but things are not like that actually. In fact, for some years now, Artificial Intelligence...