Your Small Business Is Going to Fail, Soon
This may be difficult to hear but: you are probably going to cause your small business to fail.
And, even worse, you're going to make that happen very soon.
It's known that 9 out of 10...
Amazing Invoicing Facts for Your Business
One of the most important parts of not only running but surviving in your business is your invoice, and these invoicing facts are crucial.
Because invoices are so tied to cash flow, and because cash...
7 Business Ideas Under $100
Being an entrepreneur in 2017 may be a dream for many employees or graduates out there right now. It can be a pathway to financial independence, as well as the pursuit of lifelong dreams.
5 Invoices Your Small Business Needs to Know
Doing business in this globalized, connected world can be very rewarding, except when it comes to all the responsibility and documentation that normally comes with it.
Although many small businesses get by with standard invoices,...
6 Easy Finance Tips to Help Run Your Small Business
Having the best finance tips is important for any small business. This is possibly more important than finding out ways to avoid burnout. Even more than helping your business get better at its social...
How to Brainstorm for New Business Ideas
Having a business is one of the top goals for many young professionals nowadays. After university studies and a few years in the corporate or small/medium business world as an employee, they are eager...
3 Fantastic Services to Cut Your Small Business Travel Expenses
Business travel expenses can eat a lot into your company’s budget, especially if it is a regular part of your business. This is especially true for small businesses, who are often focused on cutting...
How Small Business Owners Can Stay Organized
With today’s always online world, it’s often difficult to stay organized and efficient. There are so many ideas, cost-cutting measures, knowledge paths and conflicting thoughts to investigate and analyze that you often are not...
The Most Common Business Plan Myths You Need to Avoid
Business plans have been a staple of most business’s start for a long, long time.
In fact, it’s one of the most traditional parts of the business—well, at least it was. Until new ideas began...
How to Avoid Hiring the Wrong Employee
When you’ve finally decided that you need to start hiring an employee (as your first time, for expansion, or for replacement), there are some important things to consider.
The number one issue is that, if...